Padraic O'Rourke

Padraic O'Rourke's picture
Professional Category: 
Head Professional
Golf Course Name: 


Currently in my 8th season as the Head Golf Porfessional At The Fairmont Chateau Whistler
PGA of British Columbia 2020 Golf Professional of the Year with eighteen years rounded international experience including two seasons at the historic Pine Valley Golf Club.
Proven ability to evolve and lead the entire golf operations and consistently exceed diverse member’s expectations. Enthusiastic and engaging Senior Leader with a proven business acumen coupled with a true golfing passion for club golf.
I fell in love with golf growing up in Ireland and since then have led and represented some premier, historic clubs through a warm and welcoming yet progressive, professional and enthusiastic attitude.

PGA of BC Professional Spotlight -- Sept. 1, 2021

Why did you become a PGA of Canada Professional? 
Working as a Golf Professional is the dream job for me and couldn’t think of better association to be part of.

What is the most rewarding part about being a member of the PGA of BC? 
The great learning opportunities and meeting great people along the way. Through individuals I have met they have made me a better Golf Professional.

At which golf facility did you first begin working within the industry, and who was the PGA Professional? 
Black Bush Golf Club just outside Dublin, Ireland. Shane O'Grady hired me as assistant golf professional. Today he is a mentor for me and a great friend.

Who has influenced your career the most, and how? 
Shane O’Grady, who taught me so much about the golf business and to understand that every penny counts. As the leading golf instructor in Ireland his knowledge was invaluable. Each week leading tour players would show up at our facility with Jose Maria Olazabal being the stand out.

What career path led you to where you are today? 
I have always had the travel bug. When I was looking to relocate to Canada there was an opportunity at The Fairmont Chateau Whistler. I was looking for a brand name and the Fairmont ticked all boxes. Plus, my brother was in Vancouver, which made the decision easier.

Which significant accomplishments are you most proud of? 
Over the last eight years we have seen a 350% increase in membership at The Chateau Whistler. This has meant a lot to me, as we have built a large following in an area where there are lots of other outdoor activities.

If you had to share one piece of advice with a new member of our Association, what would it be? 
Educate yourself as much as possible, pick a facility that will challenge you personally and professionally, don’t be afraid of the hard work and probably most important grow your network. Pick up the phone and pick the brain of the best Golf Professional. They will be happy to provide advice where needed.

What is your most cherished golf memory? 
Playing a round at Pine Valley with my dad.

What is your favourite golf course in British Columbia, and why? 
Victoria Golf Club: views, history, variety of holes, design, reminds me of Ireland, never get tired of playing there, fun to play, can play the ground ball if needed, enjoyable course for any skill level and the both the HP and GM are good guys!!!

What is a common misconception that golfers make about what your job entails? 
Most people not in the industry think we play golf five times a week and get to work on our games all week, as we know this isn’t the case. Important to understand this when someone is thinking about getting into the industry but my job has many perks and I get to do what I love.