Facility or Affiliation
Who has influenced your career the most, and how?
In the last few years that I have been in the industry, Josh Kujundzic (PGA of Canada Professional at University Golf Club). He is my partner/coach/caddie who has helped me to play my best in recent years. The knowledge I have gained has greatly influenced the way I instruct my students as well as play my own competition golf. I am able to go to him for advice through his logical and technical lens.
What career path led you to where you are today?
Competitive Golf
Which significant accomplishments are you most proud of?
1 - Receiving a full ride scholarship to play golf at San Diego State - I would not be the person I am today without my experiences. 2 - My clients that continue to see my value in golf instruction - I am still flattered to this day when I get referrals! 3 - My passion for golf has led me to my teaching professional position - I am able to manage my own work and life balance which has allowed me to do what I want, when I want, whenever I want ! Life is good :)
If you had to share one piece of advice with a new member of our Association, what would it be?
Stay true to yourself and pave your own path to success through hard work and perseverance. Find your thing and do that thing better than anybody else. People will see your value.
What is your most cherished golf memory?
Winning the 2021 Glencoe Invitational and 2021 PGA of Canada National Women's Championship
What is your favourite golf course in British Columbia, and why?
Vancouver Golf Club
What is a common misconception that golfers make about what your job entails?
Most people assume we just golf all day everyday
What is an interesting fact about yourself that doesn't involve golf?
I enjoy mountain bicycling